Our Pastors
Meet the leaders of our church

Rob Watts
Senior Pastor
Pastor Rob Watts was raised in the states of Delaware, Indiana and Ohio. He came to know Jesus as his personal Savior at the Monroe City Church of God, Indiana. He attended the Ohio State University, majoring in Music Education. Upon graduation, he taught in the Martins Ferry School District. During his first year, he received the call to enter into full time ministry and went on to be the Youth Pastor and Minister of Music at the First Church of God in Grove City, PA.
Prior to coming to Columbus West Church of God, Pastor Rob served as Senior Pastor of the Church of God at Berwick for 8 years and then moved to Spartanburg, South Carolina, where he was the Senior Pastor at the Park Hills Church of God for 6 years. Pastor Rob, his wife Dawn, and their three children moved back to Ohio in October 2004. He served with his brother as Minister of Music for the First Church of God at Hilliard. He came to Columbus West Church of God as Associate Pastor of Youth and Music for three years. He then became the Sr. Pastor of Columbus West until the present time. His wife Dawn and their children are very active in ministry here at Columbus West.
Ralph Watts
Pastor Emeritis
Pastor Ralph Watts was born in the state of Delaware where he met his wife Karen. They moved to Indiana where he graduated from Indiana University with a degree in music education. Ralph taught school for a few years in southern Indiana before becoming the Sr. Pastor at the First Church of God in Monroe City, Indiana. He served in Monroe, Indiana for five years. Pastor Watts then moved to Columbus, Ohio where he became the Sr. Pastor of Columbus West Church of God, where he served for thirteen years.
Upon leaving Columbus West, he and his family moved to the inner city of Columbus to start Eagle’s Nest Ministries. Eagle’s Next is a home for Special Needs Children. While living in the inner city he served as the Associate Pastor at First Church of God at Wilson and Fair. They lived and served in the inner city for thirteen years and moved to Hilliard where he served as Pastor Emeritus at the First Church of God at Hilliard. His main ministry was to the fourteen special needs children that he and his wife adopted. He served at the church in Hilliard for four years before coming back to Columbus West Church of God as the Pastor Emeritus. They still minister to nine children who still live at home as well as working in music ministry at Columbus West, writing curriculum for Sunday School and teaching on Wednesday nights. Pastor Watts and his wife Karen are in demand all over the United States for preaching and music ministry.