This past Saturday all of my kids and their families came to the house for us to share Christmas together.  We sat down to an awesome breakfast of Monkey Break, Bacon, Eggs, Coffee (lots of it), and great talk together.  At the end of breakfast I opened a book and read to the family about a little bear who was asking about where Christmas came from.  The little cub was asking her mother if Santa gave us Christmas and the mother very wisely told the little cub that God gave us Christmas.  They then started out on a journey to find God because Santa was hard to find, but God was easy to find.  It was quite an interesting journey and it gave several “proofs” of the reality of God.

This morning I got to my office bright and early and started a study in the book of Genesis.  The book that I’m reading in preparation for this study started out with “proofs” of the reality of the Bible.  It was really cool to see how these “proofs” were almost word for word the same “proofs” of the ones that I read the family on Saturday.  I wanted to share some of them with you in this blog this morning.

So let me start off with saying that the Bible is the word of God.  How do I know this?  How can we know it for sure?  There are several reasons that if we are open and honest and have an open mind make a lot of sense.

  1. Honest, Reason and Logic: God is a God of love, not of indifference and hate.  He would never leave us in the dark about the truth of life.  He would never leave us searching, grasping, and stumbling around looking for the truth.  A God of love is bound to reveal the truth of life in the most perfect way possible.  What is the most perfect way?
    • The most perfect way is NOT nature (natural revelation). The hand of God can be seen in nature, but revealing Himself in nature is not the most perfect revelation that God can make.
    • The most perfect way is NOT conscience (moral revelation). The righteousness of God can be sensed in conscience, but revealing Himself in conscience is not the most perfect revelation.
    • the most perfect way to reveal Himself is by doing just what any person does when he wishes to communicate some truth:
      • He writes the truth down in a permanent from.
      • He presents the truth in person (if he is able).
    • This God has done.  He has given us both the Written Word of God and the Living Word of God
      • The Bible is the Written Word of God
      • Jesus Christ is the Living Word of God
      • the Written Word testifies to the Living Word, and the Living Word (Christ Himself) testifies to the Written Word)

So one of the ways that He reveals Himself is through honest logic, and honest reason.  You can look at John 1:1-5 for a deeper understanding of this thought.

There are other “proofs” that I want to share with you, but this is just to “wet your whistle.”  I pray that all of you have a very Merry Christmas and don’t forget that the Messiah was born, God with us.  He revealed Himself to us through the written and physical Word.  Love to all.

Pastor Rob

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